Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm Worthy Too! "Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too" (based on Will Richardson's thoughts)

Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too

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It is very frustrating to be a teacher, who differentiates learning as well as she can for her students, thrown into a staff development day that reviews the basics of differentiation. Surprise! I still have hair and eyes--as I refused to succumb to the desire to remove both.

As I browse my Reader, I often star blogs and sometimes begin my own blogs based upon their content. (I wonder if that's a practice others have.) I realized today that the link to Will Richardson's February 28th Weblogg-ed blog "Personalizing Education for Teachers, Too" was still sitting untouched as a draft. (I wish I could manage my time to include blogging weekly or daily.) We need to remember the teachers' needs for differentiation as well.

Though I haven't read The Element by Sir Ken Robinson as was the focus of Richardson's blog, I hope to soon.

Richardson states in his blog:

"As I thought about those points, I started thinking about how we treat teachers and their learning as well. So much of professional development is throwing everyone in a room and having them learn the same stuff. Maybe there is some choice in the offerings, but by and large there is very little attempt at creating a customized professional development curriculum for teachers. Yes, we have our PIPs, but those usually address deficiencies or weaknesses, not passions."

At this point there are 63 comments to his blog post.

It is worth the time to review and follow Will Richardson's blog. He's a connector in this shifting world.

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