Saturday, March 12, 2011

Moments like this...

I looked up and white cream lay thick upon her top lip. She noticed nothing at all as she continued to eat her cool whip drenched strawberry pie. That is until everyone took notice. I failed to be quick enough to click a picture with my cell before she licked it away with the biggest smile. Madeline had been our designated whip cream pie topper as we passed plates of strawberry and apple pie around the table.

It's these moments that evaporate worry and concern. My family is fine; we are safe. The videos, images, and maps that I spent hours solemnly viewing online this morning became more and more distant and surreal. I had been saddened by how quickly a typical day in a community could be decimated by a wall of water and devastating quake. Fewer families in the world will be able to experience the warmth that a child's smile can bring. The healing of a nation takes time.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Chapter One Evolution of American Educational Technology by Paul Saettler

    • refer to art, craft or skill
    • Aristotle
    • the systematic use of knowledge for intelligent human action
    • "technology is any systematized practical knowledge, based on experimentation and/or scientific theory, which enhances the capacity of society to produce goods and services, and which is embodied in productive skills, organization, or machinery."
    • Bernard Gendron
    • Heinich, et al. defined instructional technology "as the application of our scientific knowledge about human learning to the practical tasks of teaching and learning."
    • 1. Physical Science or Media Approach to Educational Technology
    • 2. Audiovisual Communications: A Synthesis of Communications and Systems Concepts
    • 3. Behavioral Sciences Approach to Educational Technology
    • This approach has lead to two different instructional approaches in ET: the behaviorist concept and the cognitive concept.
    • 4. The Cognitive Concept of Educational Technology
    • * Attempts to understand the internal processes of behavior and emphasizes knowing rather than responding.
      * Views the learner not as passive but as active, constructive, and playful.
      * Learner becomes an active participant in the process of acquiring and using knowledge.
    • * The organization, processing, and storage of information by the learner constitute vital elements in instructional development.
    • * ET should focus on activating the appropriate learning strategies during the instructional process.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.