Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Realm of RSS

This is truly a realm of its own. Managed well the realm is able to be ruled over; unmanaged or managed poorly the realm will take over. I think control is the key to a successful use of my RSS.

My students will be interviewing veterans, so I add a feed for the phrase "veteran interviews" from Google News. The notion of having "over 29,000 news articles from over 4,500 newspapers around the world (according to Google) and once you do this search and add the RSS to your reader you will be continually updated with the latest news articles from Google's News search" is enticing. I just need to arrange folders for the information.

I have found that this past week led me to review my current RSS blogs, link to the blog, comment, link to other blogs discussed in the blog, and add another blog to my RSS. I have had trouble keeping the blogs of my classmates seperated from the blogs of the other bloggers of the world. I still am unsure if I am receiving or following all the bloggers from the class "Teaching and Learning in the Connected Classroom."

At the start of 2009, it was interesting to see some of the experienced bloggers discuss their need to reevaluate their RSS feeds. Now, I can understand how big things can grow, but there are soooo many resources deemed valuable out there.


  1. Learn to follow people who are good linkers. You follow one or two linkers and you are actually following about 10 or 20 blogs. Use the network to your advantage. You don't need to subscribe to everyone, just to those who link to others....use them, as they use you. :)

  2. Such wise words with such deep meaning. Jeff (with smiles) you sound like Yoda, and I appreciate that.
